version-notice-title | "Install success" |
version-notice | "Hello, thanks for using InPageEdit~です! The plug-in may collect your information, which will not be used for business purposes, and will not collect any of your personal cookies and privacy information. You can find the plug-in's analisys link in the preference window. If you do not want any of your information to be collected, please stop using this plug-in. For feedback, please file issues in GitHub." |
version-notice-canary-title | "Canary stability warning" |
version-notice-canary | "Canary version is the version used by the author for debugging and development. Any untested experimental features may appear in this version, or even may not work normally at some time. For your experience, it is recommended to switch to the normal version!" |
updatelog-update-success-title | "InPageEdit update success" |
updatelog-update-success | "InPageEdit $1 has been installed." |
updatelog-button-versioninfo | "View version info" |
updatelog-after-close | "This pop-up window will not pop up again until the next version update. Find all release info at $1. If you find issues with the plug-in. $2" |
updatelog-dismiss | "DISMISS" |
updatelog-url | "" |
updatelog-file-issue | "Submit it at GitHub." |
updatelog-title | "Update Log" |
updatelog-about | "About" |
quick-edit | "Quick Edit" |
redirect-from | "Redirect from" |
redirect-to | "Redirect to" |
quick-delete | "Quick Delete" |
quick-rename | "Quick Rename" |
quick-diff | "Quick Diff" |
ipe-preference | "Préférences" |
confirm | "confirmer" |
cancel | "annuler" |
close | "fermer" |
done | "Fait" |
ok | "OK" |
notify-success | "Réussi" |
notify-info | "Info" |
notify-error | "Erreur" |
notify-editing-history | "Vous êtes en train de modifier une ancienne version de cette page" |
editor-title-editRevision | "Reversion" |
editor-summary-rivision | "Modification de" |
editor-title-editSection | "Partie $1" |
editor-title-editing | "Modification en cours" |
editSummary | "Résumé de modification" |
markAsMinor | "C'est une modification mineure" |
editor-button-save | "Sauvegarder la modification" |
editor-confirm-save | "Êtes-vous {{GENDER:sûr|sûre}} de vouloir sauvegarder des modifications ?" |
editor-button-preview | "Afficher la prévisualisation" |
editor-button-diff | "Voir la différence" |
editor-button-findAndReplace | "Trouver&Remplacer" |
fAndR-title | "Trouver et Remplacer" |
fAndR-find-text | "Trouver le texte :" |
fAndR-replace-text | "Remplacer le texte :" |
fAndR-globl | "Recherche globale" |
fAndR-case-sen | "Respecter la case" |
fAndR-enable-regex | "Utiliser l'expression régulière" |
fAndR-button-undo | "ANNULER" |
fAndR-button-replace | "REMPLACER" |
notify-fAndR-undo | "Content has been restored to the text before F&R window was opened" |
notify-fAndR-done | "$1 text replaced" |
window-leave-confirm | "Are you sure you want to leave this tab? Your text will NOT be saved." |
notify-no-right | "No permission" |
editor-no-right | "You do NOT have permission to edit this page. You can leave comments on this page's talk page." |
editor-title-editNotice | "Editnotice" |
editor-has-editNotice | "This page has editnotice, click here." |
editor-leave-confirm | "Are you sure you want to leave the editor? Your text will NOT be saved." |
notify-no-change | "Nothing changed." |
editor-title-saving | "Publishing..." |
notify-save-success | "Save successful, refreshing page..." |
editor-save-error | "Some error(s) occurred while saving" |
redirect-summary | "Quick redirect" |
redirect-question-to | "Which page do you want to redirect $1 to?" |
redirect-question-from | "Which page do you want to redirect to $1?" |
redirect-title | "Quick Redirect" |
notify-redirect-success | "Redirect successful." |
notify-redirect-error | "Some error(s) occurred while creating redirect" |
delete-reason-default | "No longer used" |
delete-title | "Quick Delete" |
delete-no-right | "You do NOT have permission to delete the page." |
delete-confirm-title | "Delete confirm" |
delete-confirm-content | "Are you sure you want to delete this page? You can restore it later in Special:DeletedPages" |
notify-delete-success | "Deleted successful" |
notify-delete-error | "Some error(s) occurred while deleting the page" |
rename-title | "Quick Rename Page" |
rename-moveTo | "Choose a new name for $1" |
rename-movetalk | "Move talk page" |
rename-movesubpages | "Move subpage(s) (up to 100)" |
rename-noredirect | "Don't leave a redirect behind" |
rename-summary | "Quick rename" |
notify-rename-success | "Rename successful" |
notify-rename-error | "Some error(s) occurred while moving the page" |
rename-articleexists-title | "Target page exist" |
rename-articleexists | "Page with new page name already exists. The force move function is under development, stay tuned." |
rename-no-right | "You do NOT have permission to delete the page." |
preference-title | "InPageEdit preferences" |
preference-editor-label | "Editor settings" |
preference-outSideClose | "Click out side to close editor" |
preference-setMinor | "Minor edit as default" |
preference-summary-label | "Edit summary" |
preference-editSummary | "$1 - will be replaced by $2%br%$3 - will be replaced by $4" |
preference-analysis-label | "Analysis" |
preference-analysis-view | "We will collect some of your non-sensitive information to record the usage of the plugin. Information will be used to improve the experience. You can find the information we collected at $1." |
preference-about-label | "About InPageEdit" |
preference-aboutAndHelp | "About&Help" |
preference-updatelog | "Update Log" |
preference-savelocal-label | "You can save your InPageEdit-v2 preferences here." |
preference-savelocal | "Attention: Your preferences will save in your browser. That means you must save again when you change your device." |
preference-savelocal-btn | "Force save (Not recommended)" |
preference-reset | "reset" |
preference-save | "save" |
preference-summary-default | "[InPageEdit] No summary given $section$oldid" |
preference-savelocal-popup-title | "Force save preferences" |
preference-savelocal-popup-notrecommended | "NOT RECOMMENDED" |
preference-savelocal-popup | "Add the following code above the code that calls this plugin on your personal JS page:" |
preference-savelocal-popup-notice | "Attention: Although this allows you to keep the settings when changing devices. But the plug-in has no parameter error correction function. You must confirm whether the json setting is correct" |
preference-savelocal-popup-haslocal | "You are forced saving your preferences. You should modify your preferences at $1 or global.js." |
preference-savelocal-popup-yourjspage | "your personal JS page" |
diff-loading | "Loading difference" |
diff-button-todiffpage | "Jump to diff page" |
diff-usertalk | "talk" |
diff-usercontrib | "contribs" |
diff-userblock | "block" |
diff-title | "Difference" |
diff-edit | "edit" |
diff-version | "Revision" |
diff-prev | "Older edit" |
diff-nextv | "Newer edit" |
diff-bytes | "bytes" |
diff-title-original-content | "Original text" |
diff-title-your-content | "Your text" |
diff-error | "Failed to load difference." |
preview-placeholder | "Loading preview..." |
preview-title | "Preview" |
preview-error | "Failed to load preview." |