Invoke this:
Note: After saving, you may have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes.
- Firefox / Safari: Hold Shift while clicking Reload, or press either Ctrl-F5 or Ctrl-R (⌘-R on a Mac)
- Google Chrome: Press Ctrl-Shift-R (⌘-Shift-R on a Mac)
- Internet Explorer: Hold Ctrl while clicking Refresh, or press Ctrl-F5
- Opera: Go to Menu → Settings (Opera → Preferences on a Mac) and then to Privacy & security → Clear browsing data → Cached images and files.
This is i18n file. Translate it here: [[Special:Blankpage/I18nEdit/{{#replace:{{#replace:I18n-InPageEdit-v2.json|I18n-|}}|.json|}}|Special:Blankpage/I18nEdit/{{#replace:{{#replace:I18n-InPageEdit-v2.json|I18n-|}}|.json|}}]]
_metadata | noticeid | "build_2311_notify" |
noticeid-canary | "canary" |
en | version-notice-title | "Install success" |
version-notice | "Hello, thanks for using InPageEdit~です! The plug-in may collect your information, which will not be used for business purposes, and will not collect any of your personal cookies and privacy information. You can find the plug-in's analisys link in the preference window. If you do not want any of your information to be collected, please stop using this plug-in. For feedback, please file issues in GitHub." |
version-notice-canary-title | "Canary stability warning" |
version-notice-canary | "Canary version is the version used by the author for debugging and development. Any untested experimental features may appear in this version, or even may not work normally at some time. For your experience, it is recommended to switch to the normal version!" |
updatelog-update-success-title | "InPageEdit update success" |
updatelog-update-success | "InPageEdit $1 has been installed." |
updatelog-button-versioninfo | "View version info" |
updatelog-after-close | "This pop-up window will not pop up again until the next version update. Find all release info at $1. If you find issues with the plug-in. $2" |
updatelog-dismiss | "DISMISS" |
updatelog-url | "" |
updatelog-file-issue | "Submit it at GitHub." |
updatelog-title | "Update Log" |
updatelog-about | "About" |
quick-edit | "Quick Edit" |
redirect-from | "Redirect from" |
redirect-to | "Redirect to" |
quick-delete | "Quick Delete" |
quick-rename | "Quick Rename" |
quick-diff | "Quick Diff" |
ipe-preference | "Preferences" |
confirm | "confirm" |
cancel | "cancel" |
close | "close" |
done | "Done" |
ok | "OK" |
notify-success | "Success" |
notify-info | "Info" |
notify-error | "Error" |
notify-editing-history | "You are editing old version of this page" |
editor-title-editRevision | "Reversion" |
editor-summary-rivision | "Edit from" |
editor-title-editSection | "Part $1" |
editor-title-editing | "Editing" |
editSummary | "Summary" |
markAsMinor | "This is a minor edit" |
editor-button-save | "Save changes" |
editor-confirm-save | "Are you sure you want to save the changes?" |
editor-button-preview | "Show preview" |
editor-button-diff | "Show changes" |
editor-button-findAndReplace | "Find&Replace" |
fAndR-title | "Find & Replace" |
fAndR-find-text | "Find text:" |
fAndR-replace-text | "Replace text:" |
fAndR-globl | "Find global" |
fAndR-case-sen | "Case sensitive" |
fAndR-enable-regex | "Enable regex" |
fAndR-button-undo | "UNDO" |
fAndR-button-replace | "REPLACE" |
notify-fAndR-undo | "Content has been restored to the text before F&R window was opened" |
notify-fAndR-done | "$1 text replaced" |
window-leave-confirm | "Are you sure you want to leave this tab? Your text will NOT be saved." |
notify-no-right | "No permission" |
editor-no-right | "You do NOT have permission to edit this page. You can leave comments on this page's talk page." |
editor-title-editNotice | "Editnotice" |
editor-has-editNotice | "This page has editnotice, click here." |
editor-leave-confirm | "Are you sure you want to leave the editor? Your text will NOT be saved." |
notify-no-change | "Nothing changed." |
editor-title-saving | "Publishing..." |
notify-save-success | "Save successful, refreshing page..." |
editor-save-error | "Some error(s) occurred while saving" |
redirect-summary | "Quick redirect" |
redirect-question-to | "Which page do you want to redirect $1 to?" |
redirect-question-from | "Which page do you want to redirect to $1?" |
redirect-title | "Quick Redirect" |
notify-redirect-success | "Redirect successful." |
notify-redirect-error | "Some error(s) occurred while creating redirect" |
delete-reason-default | "No longer used" |
delete-title | "Quick Delete" |
delete-no-right | "You do NOT have permission to delete the page." |
delete-confirm-title | "Delete confirm" |
delete-confirm-content | "Are you sure you want to delete this page? You can restore it later in Special:DeletedPages" |
notify-delete-success | "Deleted successful" |
notify-delete-error | "Some error(s) occurred while deleting the page" |
rename-title | "Quick Rename Page" |
rename-moveTo | "Choose a new name for $1" |
rename-movetalk | "Move talk page" |
rename-movesubpages | "Move subpage(s) (up to 100)" |
rename-noredirect | "Don't leave a redirect behind" |
rename-summary | "Quick rename" |
notify-rename-success | "Rename successful" |
notify-rename-error | "Some error(s) occurred while moving the page" |
rename-articleexists-title | "Target page exist" |
rename-articleexists | "Page with new page name already exists. The force move function is under development, stay tuned." |
rename-no-right | "You do NOT have permission to delete the page." |
preference-title | "InPageEdit preferences" |
preference-editor-label | "Editor settings" |
preference-outSideClose | "Click out side to close editor" |
preference-setMinor | "Minor edit as default" |
preference-summary-label | "Edit summary" |
preference-editSummary | "$1 - will be replaced by $2%br%$3 - will be replaced by $4" |
preference-analysis-label | "Analysis" |
preference-analysis-view | "We will collect some of your non-sensitive information to record the usage of the plugin. Information will be used to improve the experience. You can find the information we collected at $1." |
preference-about-label | "About InPageEdit" |
preference-aboutAndHelp | "About&Help" |
preference-updatelog | "Update Log" |
preference-savelocal-label | "You can save your InPageEdit-v2 preferences here." |
preference-savelocal | "Attention: Your preferences will save in your browser. That means you must save again when you change your device." |
preference-savelocal-btn | "Force save (Not recommended)" |
preference-reset | "reset" |
preference-save | "save" |
preference-summary-default | "[InPageEdit] No summary given $section$oldid" |
preference-savelocal-popup-title | "Force save preferences" |
preference-savelocal-popup-notrecommended | "NOT RECOMMENDED" |
preference-savelocal-popup | "Add the following code above the code that calls this plugin on your personal JS page:" |
preference-savelocal-popup-notice | "Attention: Although this allows you to keep the settings when changing devices. But the plug-in has no parameter error correction function. You must confirm whether the json setting is correct" |
preference-savelocal-popup-haslocal | "You are forced saving your preferences. You should modify your preferences at $1 or global.js." |
preference-savelocal-popup-yourjspage | "your personal JS page" |
diff-loading | "Loading difference" |
diff-button-todiffpage | "Jump to diff page" |
diff-usertalk | "talk" |
diff-usercontrib | "contribs" |
diff-userblock | "block" |
diff-title | "Difference" |
diff-edit | "edit" |
diff-version | "Revision" |
diff-prev | "Older edit" |
diff-nextv | "Newer edit" |
diff-bytes | "bytes" |
diff-title-original-content | "Original text" |
diff-title-your-content | "Your text" |
diff-error | "Failed to load difference." |
preview-placeholder | "Loading preview..." |
preview-title | "Preview" |
preview-error | "Failed to load preview." |
pl | quick-edit | "Szybka edycja" |
redirect-from | "Przekieruj z" |
redirect-to | "Przekieruj do" |
quick-delete | "Szybkie usuwanie" |
quick-rename | "Szybka zmiana nazwy" |
quick-diff | "Quick Diff" |
ipe-preference | "Preferencje" |
confirm | "potwierdź" |
cancel | "anuluj" |
done | "Gotowe" |
ok | "OK" |
notify-success | "Sukces" |
notify-info | "Informacje" |
notify-error | "Błąd" |
notify-editing-history | "Edytujesz starją wersję tej strony" |
editor-title-editRevision | "Wersja" |
editor-summary-rivision | "Edytuj z" |
editor-title-editSection | "Część $1" |
editor-title-editing | "Edycja" |
editSummary | "Opis zmian" |
markAsMinor | "To jest drobna edycja" |
editor-button-save | "Zapisz zmiany" |
editor-confirm-save | "Czy na pewno chcesz zapisać zmiany?" |
editor-button-preview | "Pokaż podgląd" |
editor-button-diff | "Pokaż zmiany" |
editor-button-findAndReplace | "Find&Replace" |
fAndR-title | "Znajdź & zamień" |
fAndR-find-text | "Znajdź tekst:" |
fAndR-replace-text | "Zastąp tekst" |
fAndR-globl | "Globalne wyszukiwanie" |
fAndR-case-sen | "Rozróżniaj wielkość liter" |
fAndR-enable-regex | "Włącz wyrażenia regularne" |
fAndR-button-undo | "COFNIJ" |
fAndR-button-replace | "ZAMIEŃ" |
notify-fAndR-undo | "Treść została przywrócona do stanu sprzed otwarcia okna znajdź i zamień" |
notify-fAndR-done | "$1 zamieniono" |
window-leave-confirm | "Czy na pewno chcesz opuścić tę zakładkę? Tekst NIE zostanie zapisany." |
notify-no-right | "Brak uprawnień" |
editor-no-right | "NIE posiadasz uprawnień do edycji tej strony. Możesz zostawić uwagi na jej stronie dyskusji." |
editor-title-editNotice | "Komunikaty" |
editor-has-editNotice | "Ta strona posiada komunikaty, kliknij tutaj." |
editor-leave-confirm | "Czy na pewno chcesz opuścić edytor? Tekst NIE zostanie zapisany." |
notify-no-change | "Nic nie zmieniono." |
editor-title-saving | "Publikowanie…" |
notify-save-success | "Pomyślnie zapisano, odświeżanie…" |
editor-save-error | "Podczas zapiswania wystąpiły błędy" |
redirect-summary | "Szybkie przekierowanie" |
redirect-question-to | "Do jakiej strony chcesz przekierować „$1”?" |
redirect-question-from | "Jaka strona ma kierować do „$1”?" |
redirect-title | "Szybkie przekierowanie" |
notify-redirect-success | "Przekierowano pomyślnie" |
notify-redirect-error | "Podczas przekierowywania wystąpiły błędy" |
delete-reason-default | "Nieużywane" |
delete-title | "Szybkie usuwanie" |
delete-no-right | "NIE posiadasz uprawnień do usuwania tej strony." |
delete-confirm-title | "Potwierdź usuwanie" |
delete-confirm-content | "Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć tę stronę? Możesz ją później przywrócić na Specjalna:Odtwórz" |
notify-delete-success | "Usunięto pomyślnie" |
notify-delete-error | "Podczas usuwania wystąpiły błędy" |
rename-title | "Szybka zmiana nazwy strony" |
rename-moveTo | "Wybierz nową nazwę dla „$1”" |
rename-movetalk | "Przenieś stronę edyskusji" |
rename-movesubpages | "Przenieś podstrony (do 100)" |
rename-noredirect | "Nie pozostawiaj przekierowania pod dotychczasowym tytułem" |
rename-summary | "Szybka zmiana nazwy" |
notify-rename-success | "Zmieniono nazwę pomyślnie" |
notify-rename-error | "Podczas zmieniania nazwy wystąpiły błędy" |
rename-articleexists-title | "Strona docelowa istnieje" |
rename-articleexists | "Pod nowym tytułem istnieje już inne strona. Funkcja wymuszonego przenoszenia jest ciągle tworzona, prosimy o cierpliwość." |
rename-no-right | "NIE posiadasz uprawnień do usuwania strony." |
preference-title | "Preferencje InPageEdita" |
preference-editor-label | "Ustawienia edytora" |
preference-outSideClose | "Kliknij z boku aby zamknąć edytor" |
preference-setMinor | "Domyślnie oznaczaj edycje jako drobne" |
preference-summary-label | "Opis zmian" |
preference-editSummary | "$1 – zostanie zamienione na $2%br%$3 – zostanie zamienione na $4" |
preference-analysis-label | "Telemetria" |
preference-analysis-view | "Zbieramy niewielkie ilości niewrażliwych informacji, aby badać użycie wtyczki. Informacje te zostaną wykorzystane do poprawienia doświadczenia. Możesz znaleźć informacje które zbieramy na $1" |
preference-about-label | "O InPageEdit" |
preference-aboutAndHelp | "O nas & pomoc" |
preference-updatelog | "Dziennik zmian" |
preference-savelocal-label | "Tutaj możesz zapisać swoje preferencje InPageEdit-v2." |
preference-savelocal | "Uwaga: Preferencje zostaną zapisane w przeglądarce. Oznacza to, że musisz zapisać je ponownie po zmianie urządzenia." |
preference-savelocal-btn | "Wymuś zapis (niepolecane)" |
preference-reset | "resetuj" |
preference-save | "zapisz" |
preference-summary-default | "[InPageEdit] Nie podano opisu zmian $section$oldid" |
preference-savelocal-popup-title | "Wymuś zapis preferencji" |
preference-savelocal-popup-notrecommended | "NIEPOLECANE" |
preference-savelocal-popup | "Dodaj poniższy kod nad kodem wywołującym wtyczkę w swoim osobistym JS-ie:" |
preference-savelocal-popup-notice | "Uwaga: Umożliwia ci to zachowanie ustawień podczas zmiany urządzeń, jednak skrypt nie posiada funkcji sprawdzania poprawności parametrów. Musisz potwierdzić poprawność konfiguracji json." |
preference-savelocal-popup-haslocal | "Wymusiłeś zapis swoich preferencji. Powinieneś modyfikować je na $1 lub w global.js." |
preference-savelocal-popup-yourjspage | "swojej osobistej stronie JS" |
diff-loading | "Ładowanie różnicy" |
diff-button-todiffpage | "Przejdź do strony różnicy" |
diff-usertalk | "dyskusja" |
diff-usercontrib | "wkład" |
diff-userblock | "zablokuj" |
diff-title | "Różnica" |
diff-edit | "edytuj" |
diff-version | "Wersja" |
diff-prev | "Poprzednia" |
diff-nextv | "Następna" |
diff-bytes | "bajtów" |
diff-title-original-content | "Oryginalny tekst" |
diff-title-your-content | "Twój tekst" |
diff-error | "Ładowanie różnicy nie powiodło się." |
preview-placeholder | "Ładowanie podglądu…" |
preview-title | "Podgląd" |
preview-error | "Ładowanie podglądu nie powiodło się." |
zh-hans | quick-edit | "快速编辑" |
redirect-from | "重定向至此" |
redirect-to | "重定向到" |
quick-delete | "快速删除" |
quick-rename | "快速重命名" |
ipe-preference | "偏好设置" |
confirm | "确定" |
cancel | "取消" |
done | "完成" |
ok | "好的" |
notify-success | "成功" |
notify-info | "注意" |
notify-error | "警告" |
notify-editing-history | "你正在编辑此页面的历史版本" |
editor-title-editRevision | "历史版本" |
editor-summary-rivision | "编辑自" |
editor-title-editSection | "第$1部分" |
editor-title-editing | "正在编辑" |
editSummary | "编辑摘要" |
markAsMinor | "标记为小编辑" |
editor-button-save | "保存更改" |
editor-confirm-save | "确定要保存编辑吗?" |
editor-button-preview | "显示预览" |
editor-button-diff | "比较差异" |
editor-button-findAndReplace | "查找替换" |
window-leave-confirm | "确定离开页面吗?您的编辑不会被保存。" |
notify-no-right | "权限不足" |
editor-no-right | "您没有编辑此页面的权限,您可以在讨论页提交修改建议。" |
editor-title-editNotice | "编辑提示" |
editor-has-editNotice | "当前页面有编辑提示,点击查看" |
editor-leave-confirm | "您输入的内容尚未保存,确定关闭窗口吗?" |
notify-no-change | "没有进行任何改动" |
editor-title-saving | "正在保存……" |
notify-save-success | "保存成功,正在刷新页面……" |
editor-save-error | "保存时出现错误" |
redirect-summary | "快速重定向到" |
redirect-question-to | "要将$1重定向到哪个页面?" |
redirect-question-from | "将哪个页面重定向到$1?" |
redirect-title | "快速重定向" |
notify-redirect-success | "创建重定向成功!" |
notify-redirect-error | "创建重定向时出现错误。" |
delete-reason-default | "不再需要的页面" |
delete-title | "快速删除" |
delete-no-right | "您没有删除页面(delete)的权限。" |
delete-confirm-title | "确认删除" |
delete-confirm-content | "确定要删除这个页面吗?之后您可以从已删除页面中恢复。" |
notify-delete-success | "成功删除页面" |
notify-delete-error | "删除页面时发生错误" |
rename-title | "快速重命名" |
rename-moveTo | "您要将$1重命名为什么?" |
rename-movetalk | "同时移动讨论页" |
rename-movesubpages | "同时移动子页面(最多100个)" |
rename-noredirect | "不留重定向" |
rename-summary | "快速重命名" |
notify-rename-success | "重命名成功,正在刷新页面……" |
notify-rename-error | "重命名时遇到错误" |
rename-articleexists-title | "目标页面已存在" |
rename-articleexists | "以新页面名命名的页面存在内容,强制移动页面的功能正在开发中,敬请期待。" |
rename-no-right | "您没有移动页面(move)的权限。" |
preference-title | "InPageEdit偏好设置" |
preference-editor-label | "编辑器设置" |
preference-outSideClose | "点击编辑器外侧关闭" |
preference-setMinor | "预设编辑为小编辑" |
preference-summary-label | "编辑摘要" |
preference-editSummary | "$1 - 将会被替换为$2%br%$3 - 将会被替换为$4" |
preference-analysis-label | "数据收集" |
preference-analysis-view | "此插件会收集您的一些非敏感信息,用于记录插件的使用情况以便研究发展的方向,您可以在$1找到此插件收集的信息。" |
preference-about-label | "关于InPageEdit" |
preference-aboutAndHelp | "关于&帮助" |
preference-updatelog | "更新日志" |
preference-savelocal-label | "您可以在这里保存InPageEdit-v2的个人偏好设定。" |
preference-savelocal | "注意:这些设置保存在您的浏览器本地,这意味着你必须在不同的设备上分别保存设置" |
preference-savelocal-btn | "永久保存(不推荐)" |
preference-reset | "重置" |
preference-save | "保存" |
preference-summary-default | "[InPageEdit] 没有编辑摘要 $section$oldid" |
preference-savelocal-popup-title | "参数设置另存为" |
preference-savelocal-popup-notrecommended | "不推荐这种做法" |
preference-savelocal-popup | "在您个人JS页调用本插件的代码的上方添加以下代码:" |
preference-savelocal-popup-notice | "注意:虽然这样做免去了更换设备时需要重新进行设置的麻烦,但此插件没有参数纠错功能,您必须自行确认json设定是否正确。" |
preference-savelocal-popup-haslocal | "您使用个人JS将偏好设置保存在本地,您应当在$1或者global.js修改您的偏好设置。" |
preference-savelocal-popup-yourjspage | "您的个人JS页面" |
diff-loading | "正在加载差异……" |
diff-button-todiffpage | "转到原版比较页面" |
diff-usertalk | "讨论" |
diff-usercontrib | "贡献" |
diff-userblock | "封禁" |
diff-title | "比较差异" |
diff-edit | "编辑" |
diff-version | "版本" |
diff-prev | "上一版本" |
diff-nextv | "下一版本" |
diff-bytes | "字节" |
diff-title-original-content | "原始内容" |
diff-title-your-content | "您的编辑" |
diff-error | "加载差异时遇到问题" |
preview-placeholder | "正在加载预览……" |
preview-title | "预览" |
preview-error | "加载预览时出现错误。" |
quick-diff | "快速差异" |
fAndR-title | "查找 & 替换" |
fAndR-find-text | "查找文字:" |
fAndR-replace-text | "替换文字:" |
fAndR-globl | "全局查找" |
fAndR-case-sen | "区分大小写" |
fAndR-enable-regex | "使用正则表达式" |
fAndR-button-undo | "重置" |
fAndR-button-replace | "替换" |
notify-fAndR-undo | "编辑框内的文字已被还原为打开查找替换窗口前的状态" |
notify-fAndR-done | "已替换$1处文字" |
version-notice-title | "安装成功" |
version-notice | "Hello, thanks for using InPageEdit~です! The plug-in may collect your information, which will not be used for business purposes, and will not collect any of your personal cookies and privacy information. You can find the plug-in's analisys link in the preference window. If you do not want any of your information to be collected, please stop using this plug-in. For feedback, please file issues in GitHub." |
version-notice-canary-title | "Canary稳定性警告" |
version-notice-canary | "Canary version is the version used by the author for debugging and development. Any untested experimental features may appear in this version, or even may not work normally at some time. For your experience, it is recommended to switch to the normal version!" |
updatelog-update-success-title | "InPageEdit升级成功" |
updatelog-update-success | "InPageEdit已升级到$1" |
updatelog-button-versioninfo | "查看更新" |
updatelog-after-close | "This pop-up window will not pop up again until the next version update. Find all release info at $1. If you find issues with the plug-in. $2" |
updatelog-dismiss | "不再显示" |
updatelog-url | "" |
updatelog-file-issue | "请提交至GitHub。" |
updatelog-title | "更新日志" |
updatelog-about | "关于" |
close | "关闭" |
zh-hant | quick-edit | "快速編輯" |
redirect-from | "重新導向至此" |
redirect-to | "重新導向到" |
quick-delete | "快速刪除" |
quick-rename | "快速移動" |
ipe-preference | "偏好設定" |
confirm | "確認" |
cancel | "取消" |
done | "完成" |
ok | "好的" |
notify-success | "成功" |
notify-info | "注意" |
notify-error | "警告" |
notify-editing-history | "您正在編輯本頁面的舊版本" |
editor-title-editRevision | "舊版本" |
editor-summary-rivision | "編輯自" |
editor-title-editSection | "第$1部分" |
editor-title-editing | "正在編輯" |
editSummary | "編輯摘要" |
markAsMinor | "標記為次要修訂" |
editor-button-save | "儲存變更" |
editor-confirm-save | "確定要儲存變更嗎?" |
editor-button-preview | "顯示概覽" |
editor-button-diff | "比較差異" |
editor-button-findAndReplace | "查找&替換" |
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editor-no-right | "您沒有編輯此頁面的權限,您可以在討論頁提交修改建議。" |
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editor-leave-confirm | "您鍵入的內容尚未保存,確定關閉窗口嗎?" |
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notify-save-success | "保存成功,正在刷新頁面……" |
editor-save-error | "保存時出現錯誤" |
redirect-summary | "快速導向到" |
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redirect-question-from | "將哪個頁面導向到$1?" |
redirect-title | "快速導向" |
notify-redirect-success | "成功創建導向!" |
notify-redirect-error | "創建導向時出現錯誤。" |
delete-reason-default | "不再需要的頁面" |
delete-title | "快速刪除" |
delete-no-right | "您沒有刪除頁面的權限。" |
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notify-delete-success | "成功刪除頁面" |
notify-delete-error | "刪除頁面時發生錯誤" |
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rename-moveTo | "您要將$1重命名爲甚麼?" |
rename-movetalk | "同時移動討論頁" |
rename-movesubpages | "同時移動子頁面(最多100个)" |
rename-noredirect | "不留導向" |
rename-summary | "快速重命名" |
notify-rename-success | "重命名成功,正在刷新頁面……" |
notify-rename-error | "重命名時遇到錯誤" |
rename-articleexists-title | "目標頁面已存在" |
rename-articleexists | "以新頁面名命名的頁面存在內容,強制移動頁面的功能正在開發中,敬請期待。" |
rename-no-right | "您沒有移動頁面的權限。" |
preference-title | "InPageEdit偏好設置" |
preference-editor-label | "編輯器設置" |
preference-outSideClose | "點擊編輯器外側關閉" |
preference-setMinor | "預設編輯爲次要修訂" |
preference-summary-label | "變更摘要" |
preference-editSummary | "$1 - 將會被替換爲$2%br%$3 - 將會被替換爲$4" |
preference-analysis-label | "數據收集" |
preference-analysis-view | "此插件會收集您的一些非敏感信息,用於記錄插件的使用情況以便研究發展的方向,您可以在$1找到此插件收集的信息。" |
preference-about-label | "關於InPageEdit" |
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preference-savelocal-label | "您可以在這裏儲存InPageEdit-v2的個人偏好。" |
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preference-reset | "重置" |
preference-save | "儲存" |
preference-summary-default | "[InPageEdit] 沒有編輯摘要 $section$oldid" |
preference-savelocal-popup-title | "參數設置另存爲" |
preference-savelocal-popup-notrecommended | "不推薦這種做法" |
preference-savelocal-popup | "在您個人JS頁調用本插件的代碼的上方添加以下代碼:" |
preference-savelocal-popup-notice | "注意:雖然這樣做免去了更換設備時需要重新進行設置的麻煩,但此插件沒有參數糾錯功能,您必須自行確認json設定是否正確。" |
preference-savelocal-popup-haslocal | "您使用個人JS將偏好設置保存在本地,您應當在$1或者global.js修改您的偏好設置。" |
preference-savelocal-popup-yourjspage | "您的個人JS頁" |
diff-loading | "正在載入差異……" |
diff-button-todiffpage | "轉到原版比較頁面" |
diff-usertalk | "討論" |
diff-usercontrib | "貢獻" |
diff-userblock | "封禁" |
diff-title | "比較差異" |
diff-edit | "變更" |
diff-version | "版本" |
diff-prev | "上一版本" |
diff-nextv | "下一版本" |
diff-bytes | "字節" |
diff-title-original-content | "原始內容" |
diff-title-your-content | "您的編輯" |
diff-error | "加載差異時遇到問題" |
preview-placeholder | "正在加載概覽……" |
preview-title | "概覽" |
preview-error | "加載概覽時出現錯誤。" |
quick-diff | "速显差异" |
fAndR-title | "查找 & 替換" |
fAndR-find-text | "查找下一個" |
fAndR-replace-text | "文本替換" |
fAndR-globl | "查找全部" |
fAndR-case-sen | "區分大小寫" |
fAndR-enable-regex | "使用正则表达式" |
fAndR-button-undo | "撤銷" |
fAndR-button-replace | "替换" |
notify-fAndR-undo | "編輯框内的文字已被還原為打開此窗口前的狀態" |
notify-fAndR-done | "成功替換$1" |